Selamat siang dan Ramadhan Kareem! We at AIYA would like to wish all of our Muslim friends and their families a safe and happy month of Ramadhan.

Here are our weekly highlights of news and opinions on Indonesia and the Australia-Indonesia relationship to inform and entertain you over the weekend.

News and links


  • For those in Melbourne: Assoc. Prof. Simon Butt and Prof. Howard Dick of the University of Melbourne will speak at an evening seminar on Wednesday 17 July, pithily titled Is Indonesia as Corrupt as Most People Believe and Is It Getting Worse?—sure to be a great discussion on a critically important issue for Indonesia.
  • Don’t forget: applications to be part of the inaugural Conference of Australian and Indonesian Youth (CAUSINDY) in Canberra on 17-20 October are still open. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to meet with academics, business leaders and other young people at the forefront of building people-to-people relationships between Australia and Indonesia.